RLC-3 Version 1.45 is a bug fix and contains no new features and no documentation changes since V1.41. The card roms labeled V1.34 that were used with motherboard EPROM versions V1.34 through 1.44 (a beta version) had a bug that could cause several variables in memory to be changed incorrectly when certain rare conditions occured. (For those of you that are programmers, when certain interrupts occured at the same time, the stack overwrote part of the variable storage). This bug reportedly caused the following symptoms: - A port would spontaneously start sending dial tone. This dial tone was generated by the card, not the autopatch. - The access mode of a card would change without being told to by the motherboard. C006 would still report the correct access mode, but the card would act like it was in a different access mode (sometimes no access). Executing C005 again would fix it temporarily. This could have caused the following reported problems: - Inability to access a repeater. It acts like it is not hearing you. Control codes are not accepted like normal (although they can be executed by following them with a '*'). - Reverse autopatch refuses to answer the phone. - When make a normal patch call or autodial call, the controller dials the number but the person using the autopatch hears only silence. If the phone is answered, they may hear "Autopatch Off", then hear the phone hang up. I am not sure that this problem is related (or solved), as it happens inconsistently and is difficult to test throughly. - There may be other side effects of this bug that I don't know about. If you discover any of these, please let me know. Although these problems do exist with the V1.34 card software, they happen infrequently and can be resolved by resetting the controller when they do occur. For these reasons, it is not essential that all V1.34 EPROMs be replaced immediately, although they should be replaced with V1.45 EPROMs when it is convenient. Please note that the motherboard EPROMs do not need to be changed. The file needed to burn V1.45 EPROMs can be ftped from ftp.netins.net in directory showcase/linkcomm/rlc3/v145. They can also be obtained from Link Communications, although there will be a delay as there are too many controllers to update all at once. If you have any questions, please call or email me. Steve Strobel Link Communications, Inc. (406) 482-7515 linkcomm@netins.net