RLC-2 V4.12 Beta Please note that this is beta software - it probably has bugs !!!! Use it at your own risk!!!! * VERSION 4.12 CHANGES 1) FIXED THE PAUSE NOT HOLDING UP THE TX WITH CW DATA 2) FIXED THE SERIAL PORT CAUSING DOUBLE ECHO ON CW SENDING DATA IF ROUTED OUT A PORT 3) ENABLED TONE DELAY HOLD TIMER. TIMER NUMBER 54 IS ASSIGNED TO ACT AS THE AMOUNT OF TIME USED TO DELAY THE TONES STARTING. THIS TIMER NOW WILL KEEP THE TX KEYED FOR THE ENTERED TIME BEFORE SENDING THE REQUESTED TONE SEQUENCE. IF ANY OF THE PORTS CONNECTED TO THAT TONE ARE INACTIVE WHEN THE TONE IS NEEDED, AND THE TONE IS THE FIRST DEVICE IN THE TONE QUE, THEN THE TRANSMITTER DELAY WILL BE ENABLED. IF ALL CONNECTED TRANSMITTERS ARE ALREADY ACTIVE THE TX DELAY WILL BE BYPASSED. 4) ENABLED VOICE DELAY HOLD FUNCTION. IF ANY OF THE PORTS CONNECTED TO THAT VOICE MESSAGE ARE INACTIVE WHEN THE VOICE IS NEEDED, AND THE REQUESTED VOICE WORD IS THE FIRST WORD IN THE VOICE QUE, THEN THE TRANSMITTER WILL DELAY THE LENGTH OF 2 VOICE PAUSE WORDS BEFORE BEGINNING TO SPEAK. IF ALL CONNECTED TRANSMITTERS ARE ALREADY ACTIVE THE TX DELAY WILL BE BYPASSED. 5) ENABLED CW DELAY HOLD FUNCTION. IF ANY OF THE PORTS CONNECTED TO THAT CW MESSAGE ARE INACTIVE WHEN THE CW IS NEEDED, AND THE REQUESTED CW WORD IS THE FIRST WORD IN THE CW QUE, THEN THE TRANSMITTER WILL DELAY THE LENGTH OF 2 CW PAUSE CHARACTERS BEFORE BEGINNING TO SEND. IF ALL CONNECTED TRANSMITTERS ARE ALREADY ACTIVE THE TX DELAY WILL BE BYPASSED. 6) ADDED ECHO SERIAL ON\OFF. COMMAND 244 NOW CONTAINS 2 OR 3 FIELDS OF DATA 244 R E OR 244 SSS WHERE 'R' IS THE SERIAL BAUD RATE WHERE 'E' IS THE SERIAL ECHO CONTROL WHEN 'E=1' ALL SERIAL OUTPUT IS DISABLED EXCEPT HF REMOTE SENDS WHEN 'E=0' ALL SERIAL OUTPUT IS ENABLED WHERE SSS IS A NUMBER FROM 000..255 WHICH IS ASCII DATA TO BE SENT 7) ADDED YAESU FT-900 AND ALL 5 BYTE YAESU TRANSFERS TO THE HF SYSTEM This directory should contain the following files: readme this file eproms.zip the files needed to burn your own V4.12 eproms for the RLC-2 and RLC-2a. We found a few typos in the V4.10 PDF manual. We will be uploading the updated manual and a file of just the changes soon. Notes: To install the update you need to unzip eproms.zip and burn two 27C512 eproms, one with the voice data and one for the main program rom. After installing the new roms, power up the controller while holding down the initialization button on the circuit board. This will set everything up for factory defaults. You can then begin programming. eproms.zip contains: voice401.bin - Binary file for the voice rom rlc2a412.icm - RLC2a Binary file for main rom with Icom HF interface rlc2a412.kwd - RLC2a Binary file for main rom with Kenwood HF interface rlc2a412.yas - RLC2a Binary file for main rom with Yaesu HF interface rlc2_412.icm - RLC2 Binary file for main rom with Icom HF interface rlc2_412.kwd - RLC2 Binary file for main rom with Kenwood HF interface rlc2_412.yas - RLC2 Binary file for main rom with Yaesu HF interface PDF is Adobe's Portable Document Format. This is a format that can be viewed and/or printed from DOS, Windows, Macintosh, and Unix systems using the appropriate version of Adobe's Acrobat Reader. Acrobat is freely distributable; you can download it from Adobe's ftp site. If you have difficulty with their site, let me know and we may be able to post the reader ourselves. You may be able to download the viewer and/or manual files using your WWW browser. All of the applicable addresses are listed below. Our addresses: Email: linkcomm@netins.net FTP: ftp.netins.net in directory showcase/linkcomm WWW: http://www.netins.net/showcase/linkcomm/ select the ftp icon, then showcase then linkcomm ftp://ftp.netins.net/showcase/linkcomm Adobe's addresses: FTP: ftp.adobe.com in directory pub/adobe/Acrobat WWW: http://www.adobe.com/ If you have any questions, please email, fax or call Allan or me. Steve Strobel linkcomm@netins.net (406) 482-7547 fax (406) 482-7515 voice