Setting Up HyperTerminal 1. Run HyperTerminal.exe. It it usually found in the "Start / Programs / Accessories / Communications" menu. 2. Enter a name (like "RLC") and choose an icon. 3. Skip the "Area Code" and "Phone Number" blanks and set the "Connect Using" option to "Direct to Com X". 4. Select 9600 baud, 8 data bits, parity: none, 1 stop bit and NO FLOW CONTROL. 5. Press "OK" until you get back to the blank terminal screen. 6. In the "File" menu, select "Properties", then the second tab (labeled "Settings") across the top of the window. Press the "ASCII Setup" button in the lower right corner. Enter a "Line Delay" of about 1000mS. Press "OK" until you get back to the main terminal window. 7. In the "File" menu, select "Save". 8. Create a text file with the commands you want to upload to the controller. 9. In HyperTerminal, select "Transfer / Send TEXT file" (not just "Send File") and select the file you created in step 8 above. 10. The next time you want to run Hyperterminal, use the "RLC" (or whatever name you used in step 2) icon rather than running HyperTerminal.exe directly again. That will allow you to skip steps 2 through 7.